Chairman’s Message

For many years, I have longed to enter into the ‘Spice Industry’ as I personally enjoy well prepared meals especially those prepared with genuine spices.

But in today’s market, we are somewhat less fortunate as we fail to find good spices or may I say ‘we don’t find genuine spices. When we don’t consume food that is prepared with genuine spices, we can encounter two major issues: bad taste and unhealthiness.

Having understood this fact, I envisioned a good, genuine and healthy spice manufacturer can make a difference in the industry and moreover, create a benchmark for others to follow.

Winlo Spices was established to address these facts and to bring produce and manufacture the best spices that is fit for human consumption. The company was also certified as an ISO Standard Company’. My team at Winlo has undergone training to bring about an awareness on the importance of been hygiene and genuine. Moreover, the procedures which qualified the company to be certified as an ISO’ standard organization will always be followed and a continuous effort will be exercised to improve procedures, simply to bring about the best at all times to our customers.

Our team are committed towards the vision of the organization and do understand it 100%.

My commitment as the leader and the founder of the organization will always be upheld and every aspect of the production will be meticulously carried out to ensure that we exercise our 100% effort to bring out the best product to the market.

We promise our customers moreover, our humankind that ‘Winlo’ will always be committed to address quality and genuineness.

Further, Winlo products comes to the market with a tagline ‘KNOW WHAT YOU EAT’. It is a simple line but has so much in it. In simple our humankind has to know exactly what they eat. So be proud to know it, demand until you know it and consume once you ‘know what you eat’.

Thank you

Hadley J W Rodrigo – Founder & Chairman